Interface ICLDPPFunCommand
PPFUN CLData command. Postprocessor function PPFUN is a multiple purpose command. It can be used to present different kinds of data and machining parameters. The actual type of a PPFUN command is defined by the first parameter of the CLD array CLD[1] (or CLD["SubCode"]). Other CLD array parameters (starting from CLD[2]) can have various meaning dependinig on the subtype of the PPFUN command.
Inherited Members
Namespace: SprutTechnology.SCPostprocessor
Assembly: SCPostprocessor.dll
public interface ICLDPPFunCommand : ICLDCommand, INamedProperty
Numerical code that defines subtype of the PPFUN command. There are several standard subtypes like PPFUN(500), STARTSUB(50), ENDSUB(51), CALLSUB(52), REPSTART(53), REPEND(54), JUMP(55), TECHINFO(58), ENDTECHINFO(59), WEDMConditions(56). But this code can have any arbitrary value defined by the developer of exact postprocessor for its own purposes.
int SubCode { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
For the subtype of PPFUN TECHINFO(58) - start of operation and PPFUN ENDTECHINFO(59) - end of operation this structure contain some additional information about the operation.
IPPFunTechInfo TechInfo { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
IPPFunTechInfo |