<Additional> tab

Use < Additional > page to setup SprutCAM X events logging and SprutCAM X updating settings.

Logs are useful when you encounter issues which are difficult to explain in words or which occur only when a specific consequence of actions is executed.


To enable updates checking switch on < Check for updates > option.

Switch on < Semi-automatic update > to start downloading updates right after click the "Updates found" notification.

To enable logging check the < Use logs > option.

Enter the folder path in which you want SprutCAM X to save the logs into the < Log folder > field.

If you want SprutCAM X to send error reports automatically check the < Send report after incorrectly application finish > option.

The <Check Program Compatibility Assistance items> option is used to exclude the SprutCAM X from Program Compatibility Assistant.

To log the interaction of SprutCAM X with the interpreter in G-code based simulation mode and G-code based milling operation use the option <Use log interaction with the interpreter>.

The <External STCX-editor> panel is affects "NC-program generation" window and allows you to select an external editor to edit the NC-program.


The <Show expert tools> option is used to make some tools visible, that will be useful to expert users.


The <Show smart hints> option enables/disables the visibility of smart hints.


See also:

System settings window