Namespace SprutCAMTech.SCPostprocessor
The mode to break circular arcs: do not break, break to cuts, to halfs or to quarters.
The settings to handle circular arcs and helixes.
Auxiliary object that implements enumerator for the AXESBRAKE's axes states list and allows to use foreach syntax.
CLD array to contain numerical parameters of CLData commands.
The object to describe the brake state for one of the machine's axis.
Enumeration to identify the types of CLData commands.
Extention to add more convenient methods for CLDCmdType enumeration.
The list of constant codes and helper functions for the CLData of SprutCAM.
Declaration of numerical constants for EXTCYCLE command codes.
Enumeration to describe the possible values for a motion mode of EDMMOVE (ICLDEDMMoveCommand) CLData command.
Enumeration that defines possible values for the kind of a feed (working, rapid, engage, return, finish etc.).
Units of a feed (mm/min, mm/rev etc.)
Describes the type of a CLData file (TechOperation, NCSub or CAMProject).
Enumeration to describe the type of an interpolation (polar, cylindrical, multiaxis).
Movement along one of the machine axis as part of a multi-axis movement command (MULTIGOTO, PHYSICGOTO, GOHOME, MULTIARC or ORIGIN)
The flag that defines the way to change the axes values when switching the current coordinate system.
The type of the ORIGIN command: standard workpiece coordinate system selection (G54-G59...) or the specific local coordinate system switching (G68.2, PLANE SPATIAL, Cycle800...).
One of 6 standard planes for circles, canned cycles or other machining purposes (XY - G17, YZ - G19, ZX - G18, Inverted XY, Inverted YZ, Inverted ZX)
Spindle rotation direction flag.
The action for the SPINDLE CLData command (on, off or orient).
Mode for a spindle speed (RPM or CSS).
Thread orientation (OD, ID, Face)
Thread pitch units.
The type of parameter
Common functions
The special case of the NumericNCWord which automatically increments (or decrements) the value of the register with the defined step after each call of Out() or Form().
The most useful application of this kind of register is blocks or lines numbering case.
The enumeration specifies sharp corners rounding mode for the 2 axis and taper machining (CornerR function, off, sharp, conical, cylindrical or fixed).
Postprocessing error exception class.
Auxiliary delegate type for internal use.
Automatically expanding array (List) of elements. Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.
Floating number that supports automatic implicit conversion to and from an integer number.
A delegate (callback procedure) that allows you to fill a list of possible values for the adding property. It will be shown as a combo box.
Delegate (callback procedure) to set a new value back to the property inside the InputBox window.
The global object which receives logging messages that be shown to the user at the finish of postprocessing.
The type of logging message.
The set of buttons which should be available in the message box.
The button user clicked.
The button that should be default.
The type of message to show for a user.
Auxiliary object that implements enumerator for the multimotion's axes list and allows to use foreach syntax.
Enumeration to describe the type of a value which can be contained inside a property (boolean, integer or floating number, textual string or just an explicitly enumerated limited list of possible values).
Static class, implementing the search for parameters for complex names that may include points and brackets.
The object that contains the list of registers (NCWord) and helps make output lines for a resulting file (G-code, TTextNCFile). First, it organizes the formatted output of the register values from its list. Secondly, it filters (excludes from the output string) those registers whose values have not changed since the previous output.
Auxiliary object that can enumerate the registers (NCWord) of an NCBlock. Using it you can easily loop through the registers with foreach cycle. Usually you don't need to create it manually because it is created automatically when you try to use for example the "foreach" cycle with an NCBlock.
Snap mode for the INCLabel object. It determines whether the label should be shifted to the right or left when inserting text into the given label.
"NCWord", or in other words "Register", is an object that helps you quickly and conveniently convert numeric or string values to a text format that the CNC machine understands. For example, you can easily convert the coordinate value x = 5.18 to the string "X0005.180". This corresponds approximately to one word in the output G-code.
Optionally, NCWord can also help you to filter the output. It contains two values - current v and previous v0 (which has already been output earlier). If both of these values are the same, then re-output the value can be skipped automatically.
The enumeration defines how to output decimal point for numbers: don't output, output for fractional numbers only or output it always for fractional and integer numbers.
The enumeration shows how to output a sign for numbers: don't output, minus only or plus and minus always.
The possible values for an NCWord State (Unchanged, Changed or Disabled).
Determines whether or not to convert the case of characters.
"NumericNCWord", or in other words "Register", is an object that helps you quickly and conveniently convert numeric values to a text format that the CNC machine understands. For example, you can easily convert the coordinate value x = 5.18 to the string "X0005.180". This corresponds approximately to one word in the output G-code.
Optionally, NumericNCWord can also help you to filter the output. It contains two values - current v and previous v0 (which has already been output earlier). If both of these values are the same, then re-output the value can be skipped automatically.
The settings of postprocessor which defines it's descriptional properties, the way to handle circular arcs and the set of additional properties which the developer of a particular postprocessor can add at his own discretion.
They are read automatically from the Settings.xml file of the postprocessor.
Some class to use for writing binary files. It automatically synchronizes with the postprocessing system and, when debugging via CLDViewer, allows you to see how the contents of the file change right during the writing process. It also implements the functionality of insertion to an arbitrary location in the file (at the beginning or middle, and not just at the end).
The external file is a file that was formed or obtained by a postprocessor in some special way, for example, through an external third-party program, and added to the list of postprocessor output files already in the finished form.
It is just a wrapper that allows to have properties of TNCFile class for some third-party files and hold them inside the common list of output files in TNCFilesManager.
"TextNCWord", or in other words "Register", is an object that helps you quickly and conveniently convert string values to a text format that the CNC machine understands.
Optionally, TextNCWord can also help you to filter the output. It contains two values - current v and previous v0 (which has already been output earlier). If both of these values are the same, then re-output the value can be skipped automatically.
Two dimensional cartesian point with X and Y coordinates.
Three dimensional cartesian point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
5 dimensional point: three-dimensional point P(X, Y, Z) and three-dimensional vector N(X, Y, Z) associated with it.
Structure that complements convention TInpRotationConvention of rotation (orientation) TInpRotation(A, B, C, D).
A complex structure that allows you to define location of some object in three-dimensional space. It represents combination of position P(X, Y, Z) and rotation (orientation) N(A, B, C, D) in three-dimensional space. Depend on a convention of type TInpRotationConvention (outside of this structure) orientation can be one of the following.
- Different kind of Euler angles.
- Axis-angle representation (rotation vector).
- Quaternion.
- Normal vector.
Quaternion q(X, Y, Z, W) - determines the rotation (orientation) in a three-dimensional space.
A complex structure that allows you to define rotation (orientation) in three-dimensional space. Depend on a convention of type TInpRotationConvention (outside of this structure) it can be one of the following.
- Different kind of Euler angles.
- Axis-angle representation (rotation vector).
- Quaternion.
- Normal vector.
Enumeration that defines convention of rotation (orientation) TInpRotation(A, B, C, D).
Abstract class ancestor for all types of output files formed by postprocessor.
A special class that contains a list of output files formed by postprocessor.
The type of an INCStorage object that contains the output files data. It can be only two possible types: Binary or Text.
Abstract blank postprocessor of SprutCAM. When developing your postprocessor, you must inherit it from this class.
This class declares basic virtual methods that must be present in the postprocessor. However, most of the declared methods have empty implementation.
A significant number of methods are SprutCAM's CLData command handlers, for example
- OnGoto,
- OnCircle,
- OnSpindle,
- OnLoadTool,
- OnCoolant
- etc.
The enumeration defines how to output trailing insignificant zeroes (after decimal point) for numbers: don't output, output all zeroes or output only one first zero after decimal point.
The table which contains the list of string pairs of type TranslitPair for one exact language to be possible to do transliteration of text from this language to english.
You can easily create the new table using the code example below.
The object which alows to make transliteration of text from any national language to the english. You can assign the Default property as a convertion table to be possible to use specific language you want. If it is not changed explicit then the Russian table will be used.
The structure to store information about one transliterating replacement.
Simplest implementation of the output file. It is just wrapper around System.IO.StreamWriter that inherits TNCFile to be possible to manage it using TNCFilesManager. It has no any integration with the CLData Viewer so you will not see in live time any changes of this file in the CLData viewer. It will be shown there after the finish of whole postprocessing only. Use it only if you have some problems with TTextNCFile.
To use TSimpleTextNCFile class just create an instance of it and use WriteLine(string) or Write(string) methods to append some text to the file.
Also you can set the desired encoding TextEncoding of the output file.
The main class to use for writing text files. It automatically synchronizes with the postprocessing system and, when debugging via CLDViewer, allows you to see how the contents of the file change right during the writing process. It also implements the functionality of writing to an arbitrary location in the file (at the beginning or middle, and not just at the end).
Also you can set the desired encoding TextEncoding of the output file.
To use TTextNCFile class just create an instance of it and use WriteLine(string) or Write(string) methods to append some text to the file.
In addition, you can create a new class that inherits from this class. This will allow you to declare your members within the class associated with the given output file, for example, the number of the NC program, a set of registers (NCWord) for formatting and filtering the output, methods for writing specific information, etc.
A helper interface that allows you to quickly get a reference to a nested array type property by its
unique name using a convenient syntax with square brackets Arr["NestedPropName"]
The auxiliary object that contains the output binary files data and additional implements two important things:
writing into an arbitrary file location; mapping between written data and CLDATA commands, when processing which these data were written.
A helper interface that allows you to quickly get the boolean value of a nested property by its
unique name using a convenient syntax with square brackets Bol["NestedPropName"]
AXESBRAKE CLData command to turn on and off axes brakes if there are axes brakes on the machine.
Helper interface for convenient syntax for accessing the list of axes brake states using square brackets similar to array syntax.
Circular arc movement
CLAMP CLData command. You can use this to output specific clamping device control commands (chucks, vices, collets, etc. clamp and unclamp) to the output file.
Common ancestor for all CLData commands
COMMENT CLData command. It is used to output various types of text information and comments to output files.
COOLANT CLData command turns on or off the machine cooling systems.
Auxiliary object of a COOLANT command to get access to the list of coolant tube states using array like syntax with square brackets.
CUTCOM CLData command to switch compensation mode for length or radius of the tool.
CYCLE CLData command used to pass standard drilling cycles G81-G89. This command may have been generated in older versions of SprutCAM. For the actual versions EXTCYCLE command is used.
DELAY CLData command is used to pause program execution for the specified time. It commonly translates to G04 code.
EDMMOVE CLData command is generated by the Wire EDM operations of the SprutCAM system. The command specifies the wire movement coordinates and sets the movement interpolation modes.
Parameters of the motion for only one wire EDM guide - top or bottom. Type of motion (cut or arc), end point coordinates, arc center and corner rounding radius.
EFFECTOR CLData command activates-deactivates end effector (laser, jet nozzle, arc welder etc.).
EXTCYCLE CLData command can be used to produce canned cycles of CNC. It may be hole machinning cycles, standard milling and turning cycles or any other machine (robot) controller side compound instructions.
FEDRAT CLData command. Activates interpolating motion mode (linear or circular, G1-G3 on machines) and specifies the feed kind, units and value.
A separate file of a CLData. Contains the list of CLData commands.
Auxiliary object to get convenient array like syntax with square brakets for the list of commands in a CLData file.
The list of CLData file. Allows to get the file by it's index and the count of files.
FINI CLData command. Usually it's a last command of a project, so it can be used to finalize an output file (G-code).
FROM command. Contains the initial position of the machine axes before the first movement in the operation.
GOHOME movement command. Usually this is a movement that is linearly interpolated in the space of the machine axes (joints) and moves the specified axes of the machine to the home position. Contains a list of machine axes whose position is changed in this movement.
Simplest movement to the 3 dimensional point
INSERT CLData command is used to pass textual information directly into output file.
INTERPOLATION CLData command activates or deactivates interpolation modes like cylindrical, polar or continuous multiaxis interpolation.
LOADTL CLData command to move the tooling turret or select the tool from the tool magazine.
Auxiliary helper object to get convenient array like (with square brakets) syntax to get access to the list of machine axes.
The object that contains information about one axis of the machine, obtained from the SprutCAM's machine schema.
Object that helps to get some information about the machine which is contained inside a CLData project.
Machining tool properties.
The common ancestor for all movement CLData commands (GOTO, MultiGOTO, CIRCLE, MultiARC, PhysicGOTO, GoHome)
Common ancestor for all CLData commands that set the speed for movements (FEDRAT and RAPID).
MULTIARC command. Specifies movement along a spatial arc defined by three points.
A structure containing all the information necessary to specify a single point on a spatial arc defined by the MULTIARC command.
Auxiliary interface for the multimotion's axes list to use it inside MultiMotionAxesEnumerator that allows to use foreach syntax.
MULTIGOTO movement command. Usually it is a movement linearly interpolated in the Cartesian coordinate system. Contains a list of machine axes whose position is changed in this movement.
Helper interface for convenient syntax for accessing the list of multi-axis movement axes using square brackets similar to array syntax.
Common ancestor for all multi-axis movement commands (MULTIGOTO, PHYSICGOTO, GOHOME, ORIGIN, FROM).
OPSTOP CLData command to specify the optional programm execution break M01.
The ORIGIN command specifies the new coordinate system (CS). There are two modes of the Origin command: standard workpiece CS selection (like G54-G59) or local CS activation (like G68.2, Cycle800, PLANE SPATIAL).
PARTNO CLData command. Usually it's a first command of a project, so it can be used to initialize an output file (G-code). It contains the project name as a parameter.
PHYSICGOTO movement command. Usually this is a movement that is linearly interpolated in the space of the machine axes (joints). Contains a list of machine axes whose position is changed in this movement.
PLANE CLData command. It's used to define active machining plane (e.g. G17, G18, G19). Active plane is necessary in circular interpolation (it defines plane of arcs), to implement tool radius offset, to define hole machining cycles, tool orientation etc.
POWER CLData command. It's used to specify exact value of a power in current position for device with defined ID. The value is in percents of some constant value specified either in the parameters of the operation, or implicitly assumed.
PPFUN CLData command. Postprocessor function PPFUN is a multiple purpose command. It can be used to present different kinds of data and machining parameters. The actual type of a PPFUN command is defined by the first parameter of the CLD array CLD[1] (or CLD["SubCode"]). Other CLD array parameters (starting from CLD[2]) can have various meaning dependinig on the subtype of the PPFUN command.
PRINT CLData command passes text information from SprutCAM to postprocessor.
SprutCAM's CLData project. The main content is a list of files each of which contains the list of CLData commands.
RAPID CLData command. Activates rapid motion mode (G0 on machines, or Joints on robots). All further movements are done in rapid mode until FEDRAT is received.
SELWORKPIECE CLData command is used to specify active workpiece connector (the piece of machine where the workpiece is fixed). For the multi-spindle lathe machines this command specifies the active spindle.
SINGLETHREAD CLData command is used to make cylindrical or conical thread with constant step on a lathe machines (G32 or G33 G-codes).
SPINDLE CLData command to specify the rotation mode, direction and speed for an exact spindle of the machine.
STOP CLData command to specify the programm execution break M00.
STRUCTURE CLData command is used to make it possible to combine individual commands into groups and subgroups. STRUCTURE ON(71) command means the start of a new group, STRUCTURE OFF(72) means the end of a group. The groups can be nested.
CLD subroutine - the list of CLData commands which is not called (translate) by the translating system directly, but it can be called for translation by the postprocessor developer using special "Translate" method from any other handler inside postprocessor. Usually you need to convert it into subroutine of format that the controller understands.
The list of CLD subroutines with auxiliary helper methods.
SYNCAXES CLData command. The purpose of this command is to enabled or disable a mode of simultaneous synchronous movement of two axes of the machine (for example left and right spindle rotation axes on a two spindle lathe machine).
WAIT CLData command is used to synchronize multiple concurrent threads of control (several NC-programs or channels, each of which can control a separate machine tool). To make it you should add a special label to the NC-program, implementing the suspension of the program until the achievement of a similar label in another (concurrent) program (channel).
TAKEOVER CLData command to take workpiece over from the active connector into the connector specified in the command parameter. The active workpiece connector is specified by the SELWORKPIECE command. The workpiece connector is a machine unit that is used to fix the workpiece. Use this command for multi-spindle lathe or lathe-milling machines to perform workpiece takeover from one spindle into another.
Technological operation of SprutCAM.
The list of SprutCAM's technological operations of a project.
TLContact CLData command provides information about the normal to the machining surface at the point of contact of the tool with this surface. This is used to calculate 5D correction. In fact, this information determines in which direction (along which vector) the tool needs to be shifted in space by the amount of correction (the difference between the radius of the theoretical and actual tool).
CLDTranslator is a base working object of the postprocessing system. It opens SprutCAM's project and starts translation of CLData files and commands placed inside this project. It also opens the exact postprocessor and sends all the CLData commands to the corresponding command handlers of the postprocessor.
The list of parameters of the CLData command using which you can get the parameter value by its unique numerical code.
An indexer, which allows to get the value of the parameter of CLData command by its numerical code in the form of boolean.
An indexer, which allows to get the value of the parameter of CLData command by its numerical code in the form of floating point number.
An indexer, which allows to get the value of the parameter of CLData command by its numerical code in the form of integer number.
An indexer, which allows to get the value of the parameter of CLData command by its numerical code in the form of textual string.
A helper interface that allows you to quickly get the floating value of a nested property by its
unique name using a convenient syntax with square brackets Flt["NestedPropName"]
The InputBox window. It can be used to ask some additional information from a user. You can create a new instance of this object using CreateInputBox() method. Then use methods of this instance to add properties of type you need:
- AddStringProp
- AddDoubleProp
- AddIntegerProp
- AddBooleanProp
- AddFilePathProp
- etc.
The list of possible values for the proerty inside the InputBox window. This list will be shown inside the combo box when user clicks to the value field of the property.
External object that can create new instances of an InputBox window.
The property to be shown inside the InputBox window.
A helper interface that allows you to quickly get the integer value of a nested property by its
unique name using a convenient syntax with square brackets Int["NestedPropName"]
Collection of a named properties. May contain child properties that are not unique by name, which can be accessed by index.
Some property object that can have a unique name and a value of one of standard types: string, double, integer or boolean. The property can be complex or array type also. It means that it can contain nested properties.
A helper interface that allows you to quickly get a reference to a nested property by its unique name
using a convenient syntax with square brackets Ptr["NestedPropName"]
An interface that provides limited access to some methods of the owner object of the NCBlock. Usually this is a TTextNCFile to which the output string should be written.
This is an interface that allows us to abstract, weaken the connection with the object that is the owner of an output file formed by the postprocessor. Usually the owner is a postprocessor itself. Using this interface the output NCFile can notify the postprocessor about the actions of this file. For example, if you try to add a new string to the file, then you must notify the postprocessor so that it should call an OnFilterString handler, which can produce some additional conversion over the string before it will be written to the file.
It is used internally by the inheritors of TNCFile so usually you don't need to call it directly.
The INCLabel is a special object that allows writing to an arbitrary location in the output file (at the beginning or middle, not just at the end). The label points to a specific position within the output file. When editing a file, the label moves with the text. When adding new data to a file, you can use labels to specify where the data should be inserted.
Use CreateLabel() method to create new label that points to the current position in a file.
When calling the Write(string, INCLabel) or WriteLine(string, INCLabel) methods, simply provide a label in the parameters, or you can use the DefaultLabel property to specify the default position at which to insert new text.
The auxiliary object that contains the output files data and additional implements two important things:
writing into an arbitrary file location; mapping between written data and CLDATA commands, when processing which these data were written.
Auxiliary object that helps to create new INCStorage instances and maintains the list of output files. Usually you don't need to use it directly. It is used internally by the classes TNCFilesManager, TTextNCFile and TBinaryNCFile.
The interface for a global object which receives logging messages that be shown to the user at the finish of postprocessing.
Some information about the technological operation.
Information about the Part being machined by this operation
Information about the Setup stage in which the operation is located.
Few information about the tool of the operation.
Few information about the part/workpiece of the operation.
A helper interface that allows you to quickly get the string value of a nested property by its
unique name using a convenient syntax with square brackets Str["NestedPropName"]
The auxiliary object that contains the output text files data and additional implements two important things:
writing into an arbitrary file location; mapping between written data and CLDATA commands, when processing which these data were written.
Auxiliary object to describe main geometrical parameters of a tool.