Project information in CLData

The information about the SprutCAM project placed inside CLData available through the Project operator.

You can display it on the screen if on the CLData tab select the first item with the name of the project. Properties will be shown in the parameters tree on the right.


The list of possible properties described in tables below. Information about the properties structure, presented as an XML file, is available in the SprutCAM installation folder in a subfolder Supplement\Operations\CLData.xml.

Equipment: ComplexType

"Equipment" - this is a keyword that allows you to access machine properties that have been loaded from a SprutCAM machine schema file. The list of properties inside this node can vary depend on the machine schema file.

Schemas: Array

Equipment.Ptr["Schemas"] - The list of machine schemas used in the project (usually only one schema).

MachineSchema: ComplexType

Equipment.Ptr["Schemas(1)"] - root element of the machine schema property nodes, Usually the name of this property uniquely identifies the machine schema ID:
Equipment.Ptr["Schemas(1)"].Name - unique identifier of the machine schema.

Name: String

Equipment.Str["Schemas(1).Name"] - user friendly name of the machine.

ProjectFile: String

Project.Str["ProjectFile"] - the full path to the SprutCAM project file name. Can be empty for new projects when they are not saved.

MachineName: String

Project.Str["MachineName"] - the name of the mcahine form the machine schema file.

Units: Integer

Project.Int["Units"] - The project's units system: 0 - metric (mm), 1 - imperial (inch).

DigitsTolerance: Integer

Project.Int["DigitsTolerance"] - the number of digits for the project's tolerance. Typical value is 3 (which means 0.001). It can be changed in SprutCAM's system settings window.

SetupStages: Array

Project.Ptr["SetupStages"] - The list of Setup stage groups.

SetupStage: ComplexType

Project.Ptr["SetupStages"].Item[index] - Setup stage group information.

Index: Integer

Project.Ptr["SetupStages"].Item[index].Int["Index"] - The index of the setup stage group in the list of setup stages in SprutCAM project.

Name: String

Project.Ptr["SetupStages"].Item[index].Str["Index"] - The name of the setup stage group in SprutCAM project.

Parts: Array

Project.Ptr["Parts"] - The list of structures that contain information about the part. The count of items depend on count of parts in the project.

Part: ComplexType

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index] - the structure that contain information about one part.

Name: String

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Str["Name"] - The Part name (group name) that is set in SprutCAM.

SetupStageIndex: Integer

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Int["SetupStageIndex"] - The index of the setup stage group in the list of setup stages in SprutCAM project inside which the Part is.

PartIndex: Integer

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Int["PartIndex"] - Index of the Part in the list of SprutCAM's project parts list

PartNumber: Integer

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Int["PartNumber"] - Part number that is explicitly set by the user in the part parameters of SprutCAM

WorkpieceConnector: String

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Str["WorkpieceConnector"] - The textual identifier of the workpiece connector in which the Part is fixed. This identifier depend on the Workpiece connector node id inside machine schema file.

WCSList: Array

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Ptr["WCSList"] - The list of workpiece coordinate systems that are used when machining this part (for example G54, G55, etc.).

WCS: ComplexType

A structure for describing the Workpiece coordinate system

Number: Integer

The workpiece coordinate system number

Location: ComplexType

Geometrical parameters of the WCS

vX: Complex type

X axis vector of the WCS in the base coordinate system

X: Double

X coordinate of the vector

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the vector

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the vector

vY: Complex type

Y axis vector of the WCS in the base coordinate system

X: Double

X coordinate of the vector

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the vector

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the vector

vZ: Complex type

Z axis vector of the WCS in the base coordinate system

X: Double

X coordinate of the vector

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the vector

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the vector

vT: Complex type

Original point of the WCS in the base coordinate system

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

PartBox: ComplexType

Project.Ptr["Parts(1).PartBox"] - A structure for describing the overall dimensions of the part.

Empty: Boolean

The state of the part dimensions: false (0) - dimensions are set and have correct values, true (1) - dimension are empty (for example when part geometry absent).

Min: ComplexType

Left bottom corner point of the overall box of the Part.

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Max: ComplexType

Right top corner point of the overall box of the Part.

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

WorkpieceBox: ComplexType

Project.Ptr["Parts(1).WorkpieceBox"] - A structure for describing the overall dimensions of the workpiece.

Empty: Boolean

The state of the workpiece dimensions: false (0) - dimensions are set and have correct values, true (1) - dimension are empty (for example when workpiece geometry absent).

Min: ComplexType

Left bottom corner point of the overall box of the Workpiece.

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Max: ComplexType

Right top corner point of the overall box of the Workpiece.

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Workpiece: Array

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Ptr["Workpiece"] - the list of structures that contain information about workpiece items that correspond to the part with defined index.

Item: TCLDModelItem

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Ptr["Workpiece"].Item[index2] - the structure that contain information about the one workpiece item. The composition of the properties depends on the type of element. All of them are inheritors from complex type TCLDModelItem, so all elements have one common property - the primitive type. See Possible workpiece items table below.

PrimitiveType: Integer

Project.Ptr["Parts"].Item[index].Ptr["Workpiece"].Item[index2].Int["PrimitiveType"] - the type of the geometrical primitive:

0 - Unkbown,

1 - Empty workpiece

2 - Faces (reference to the CAD model)

3 - Casting

4 - Box

5 - Turn envelope

6 - Cylinder

7 - Tube

8 - Prism

9 - Polygonal prism

Possible workpiece items

EmptyWorkpiece: TCLDModelItem

Element of the workpiece, which says that the processing begins with a void. For example, if we grow a part from scratch by methods of additive processing

Box: TCLDModelItem

The workpiece item representing the parallelepiped given by two points.

Min: ComplexType

Left bottom corner point of the box.

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Max: ComplexType

Right top corner point of the box

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

RevBody: TCLDModelItem

The workpiece item representing the turn envelope defined by the axis around which the rotation is performed and a set of geometric primitives that rotate.

Origin: ComplexType

Start point of the rotation axis

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Axis: ComplexType

Vector that represents the axis of rotation

X: Double

X coordinate of the vector

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the vector

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the vector

Cylinder: RevBody

The workpiece item representing cylinder along defined axis. It is a successor of the RevBody type, therefore it contains all its properties, which are described above.

HMin: Double

Start level of the cylinder. This is the distance along the axis, starting from the point of origin.

HMax: Double

Finish level of the cylinder. This is the distance along the axis, starting from the point of origin.

ROut: Double

Outer radius of the cylinder.

Tube: Cylinder

The workpiece item representing tube along defined axis. It is a successor of the Cylinder type, therefore it contains all its properties, which are described above.

RInn: Double

Inner radius (hole radius) of the tube.

Prism: TCLDModelItem

The workpiece item representing the prism (extrusion item) defined by the axis along which the extrusion is performed and profile to extrude.

Origin: ComplexType

Start point of the extrusion axis

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Axis: ComplexType

Vector that defines the direction of extrusion

X: Double

X coordinate of the vector

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the vector

Z: Double

Y coordinate of the vector

HMin: Double

Start level of the prism. This is the distance along the axis, starting from the point of origin.

HMax: Double

Finish level of the prism. This is the distance along the axis, starting from the point of origin.

PolygonalPrism: Prism

The workpiece item representing regular polygonal prism along defined axis. It is a successor of the Prism type, therefore it contains all its properties, which are described above.

RInn: Double

The radius of the inscribed circle of the polygon

Angle: Double

The angle of rotation of the polygon around the axis

CornerCount: Integer

The corners count of the polygon

Faces: TCLDModelItem

The workpiece item representing the general form body specified by the CAD model reference.

Box: ComplexType

The box around CAD-model. Lets you know the overall dimensions.

Min: ComplexType

Left bottom corner point of the box.

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Max: ComplexType

Right top corner point of the box

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Casting: TCLDModelItem

The workpiece item representing the body, which is obtained by adding an additional stock to the body of the general form specified by the CAD model reference.

Box: ComplexType

The box around CAD-model with stock. Lets you know the overall dimensions.

Min: ComplexType

Left bottom corner point of the box.

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Max: ComplexType

Right top corner point of the box

X: Double

X coordinate of the point

Y: Double

Y coordinate of the point

Z: Double

Z coordinate of the point

Stock: Double

The value of stock.