Postprocessor masks

Use masks to specify the NC-block templates for the given CLData command.

Each CLData command has it's own mask. Masks use a special language that makes them similar to NC-program blocks.

For example suppose the CLData is:

GOTO.abs X 19.599, Y -73.200, Z 28.030

suppose we need to form the following NC-code to process the command:

G1 X19.599 Y-73.200 Z28.030 F200

The mask that forms the desired NC-code is:

G[1] X[XT] Y[YT] Z[ZT] F[FT]


  • <XT>, <YT>, <ZT> – current coordinates of the cutter;

  • <1> – interpolation mode (positioning G0, linear G1 or arc G2, G3 (this can be different for non G-Code NC));

  • <FT> – feedrate value.

Use variables and register values, the built-in <GMA> array, built-in functions and expressions that result in numerical values in the masks. Also you can use special words (switches and modifiers) that control the output of the code into the NC-program.

See also:

Mask structure

Mask switches

Mask modifiers

The transformation of a mask to the subprogram

The interactive to create the masks