Approach and return rules

What is approach/return

The Approach and return rule defines additional tool approach/return path to/from the first/last machining point. When used together with the tool change position approach rule determines a tool path from a tool change position to the first machining point, while the return rule determines a tool path from the last machining point to a tool change position.

Defining approach/return rule of operation

The approach/return rule is specified under the Approach/Return section in the operation Setup panel. You can select the following options from the drop down list:

1. Rule from root operation - use the rule, specified in the root of operations' tree on 'Technology' tab (not the single rule defined in the machine, as in previous SprutCAM versions).

2. Rule from the previous operation.

3. Avoid collisions - generate approach/return trajectory automatically with special algorithm, while avoiding machine collisions. If this type is chosen you can additionally define "Safe distance" and "Check workpiece" parameters for the approach/return.


4. Short - no additional points are added into toolpath. A tool moves from a tool change position to the first point of a machining toolpath directly by the shortest distance. If the machine is robot, then this movement is done using physic axes (PhysicGOTO).

5. Rule(s) from the machine approach/return list - operation can reference one of the items in the machine's approach/return list . Several approaches/returns can be specified in the machine under meaningful names. First, the name of the rule is displayed, then, in the round brackets, the rule's sequence of commands. More information about the list is available in the separate article.

6. Custom - open the Approach/return edit window.

See also:

Machine's approach/return list

Approach/return rules edit window

Operations setup