

Each mechanism or object has at least one connector. It is possible to connect two mechanisms using their connectors.

A robot always has 2 connectors: first one at the base coordinate system (3) and the second one at the flange (4).

A table has at least 2 connectors: at the base (1) and at the table top (2).

End effector has one connector at the base (5).

It is possible to place the robot on the table by linking the robot connector (3) to the table connector (2). It is also possible to place an end effector on the robot flange by linking the end effector connector to the robot flange connector.


A table can hold several mechanisms. If this is the case, it must have several connectors.

images/download/attachments/118332644/image2021-5-6_15-42-51.png All empty connectors will be used as workpiece connectors in SprutCAM.


Manage table connectors

It is possible to add several connectors. Create a new table or edit an existing one and open the kinematics panel. You can check User coordinate systems panel to manage connectors.


Use images/download/attachments/118332644/image2021-5-6_16-8-42.png button to add a new connector.


Click on a connector to select it. It is also possible to select a connector in 3D View. Double-click on the connector name to modify it. Use Enter key to validate the new name and Esc key to cancel.


Use images/download/attachments/118332644/image2021-5-6_16-13-29.png button to delete the connector.

A table must have at least one connector (user CS), so it is impossible to delete the last one.

It is possible to change connector position using transformation panel, dimensions or drag&drop.

Connect mechanisms to assembly

Hold down Left Ctrl key in Assembly view to show all connectors. Empty connectors will be shown as red dots and busy connectors will be shown as green dots.


Click on a busy connector (green dot) to break the connection between mechanisms.

Hold down Left Crtl key, drag any mechanism and drop onto to another one. MachineMaker will show a sticky arrow between linking connectors.


Use Left Alt key to use drag and drop function without snapping mechanisms to each other.

Using assembly tree

Assembly tree shows all mechanisms and connectors.


It is possible to use Drag&Drop in the assembly tree. Drag Kuka Robot and drop it to the Mechanisms node to unlink it from the Rail.


Drag Kuka Robot and drop it to the Rail node to connect mechanisms again.


Use images/download/attachments/118332644/image2021-5-6_17-50-18.png button to switch mechanism visibility.


Use images/download/attachments/118332644/image2021-5-6_17-52-7.png button to delete a mechanism.

Be careful when deleting mechanisms. All connected mechanisms also will be deleted. Unlink all child mechanisms if you want to delete only one mechanism.

It is possible to add several end effectors and select the active end effector using images/download/attachments/118332644/image2021-5-6_17-58-14.png button.