ReplNCStr operator to replace strings at NC-file

ReplNCStr operator replaces all From$ strings to To$ strings in the File$ file (or in all files, if the File$ is not specified or it is an empty string "").

Формат :

ReplNCStr(<From$>, <To$>{, <File$>})

Описание :

< From$ >, < To$ >, < File$ > – string expressions.

Example :

! Replace all "placeholder" strings to "world!" in all NC-files

Output "hello, placeholder" ! NC-file: hello, placeholder

ReplNCStr("placeholder", "world!", "") ! NC-file: hello, world!

! Replace one string of NC-file on two strings:

! Hello -> Hello,

! World!

Output "Hello"

ReplNCStr("Hello", "Hello," + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "World!")