SpaceClaim™ toolbar & import addin


The toolbar allows you to export geometric data from SpaceClaim™ to SprutCAM™.


The addin allows you to import SpaceClaim™ project files.

Supported file extensions: SLDASM, ASM, SLDPRT, PRT, SLDDRW, DRW, X_B, X_T, STP, STEP.

The required application (SpaceClaim™) must be installed on your computer for the correct work of this option.


Default exchange between SpaceClaim™ and SprutCAM™ is performed by Parasolid files (associativity is maintained). But this module is not included in the standard package of components for SpaceClaim™, therefore the possibility of manual shifting for exchange file was realized. In this case, the associativity would be lost, but export function stays available.

Expansion change instructions:

  1. Go to the folder where the addin files (depends on the version, the path can vary, e.g.: "C:\ProgramData\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 11\Addins\SpaceClaim");

  2. Copy SpaceClaimTranslator.xml file and rename the copy as SpaceClaimTranslator_UserConfig.xml;

  3. Move this file to the directory above (for example: "C:\ProgramData\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 11\Addins\SpaceClaimTranslator_UserConfig.xml");

  4. Open SpaceClaimTranslator_UserConfig.xml file and change the extension at line <OutputExtension>:

  1. X_T - for Parasolid (only it maintains associativity);

  2. STP - for STEP;

  3. IGS - for IGES.

Deleting or renaming of SpaceClaimTranslator_UserConfig.xml file would lead to the default settings.

See also:

Addin's list