Importing objects from DXF files

<DXF> format is used for transmission of flat drawings and vectored images. Transferring volumetric models is supported, but depends on the version used. These files have a *.dxf extension.

Limitations: The section <HEADER> must be present in DXF file. A file without a header is considered faulty.

Currently, only geometrical objects can be imported from DXF files. Object geometry has considerable affect on the machining technology, and such features, as thickness and style of the objects are not required, and therefore are ignored.

Note: The current version does not import text (object <TEXT>). To be able to import text, it must be first converted into curves.

Types of importable objects:

  • <POINT>;

  • <LINE>;

  • <CIRCLE>;

  • <ARC>;


  • <SPLINE>;

  • <BLOCK>, <INSERT> – all above types will be imported without blocks (exploded).

See also:

Geometrical objects import