Drilling cycle (G86, W5DBore6(486))
Boring cycle performs tool approach to the hole center, hole boring with stop at minimum level and rapid retract to the <Return> level.
Boring canned cycle <G86> consists of:
Rapid travel to the hole center at the <Z return> level.
Rapid travel to the <Z safe> level.
Work feedrate travel to the <Z min> level.
<Spindle stop>. If <Oriented retract> check box enabled, then spindle stops with the fixed angle of orientation and then the tool shifts slightly sideways in accordance with a given displacements.
Rapid return to the <Z return> level.
Restore spindle rotation direction and speed.
Options on the <Oriented retract> panel allow retraction without contact the tool with machined surface at the exit. To do this, after the final depth of hole is reached the spindle stops with a strictly defined angle and a slightly shifts to the side. Then tool returns to the top level with a stationary spindle.
To edit the following parameters are available: the angle of the oriented spindle stop in degrees and the coordinates of tool offset after a stop.
See also:
The ways of the holes machining