
SprutCAM X checks for updates at each start. The system will automatically download all necessary files and check them. It is not necessary to keep SprutCAM X open – background updates checking will be processed even after SprutCAM X closes.

When updating systems find and successfully download modules, an updating prompt will be shown:


Press the <Update> button to run the updating process.

Updating process

The SprutCAM X updating process includes three steps:


  • The <Close SprutCAM X> — system waits while the user saves all projects and closes SprutCAM X manually. SprutCAM X launching will be blocked during the update. It is possible to cancel the updating process in this step by closing this updating window.

  • The <Updating> — system starts updating. SprutCAM X can ask an administrative account to complete this step.

  • The <Finish> — system deletes all temporary data, used for update.

After these steps, the updating window will be closed and SprutCAM X will be started automatically.