The cycle statement <FOR>

This statement repeats the performing of specified statement specified number of times.

Format :

FOR <numerical cycle control variable> = <math expression>

TO <math expression>

{STEP <number> | <number variable>}

DO <operator>

Description :

This statement provides repetitive performing of some statement and simultaneous incrementing the cycle variable, until the value is greater than specified limit.

The keyword of this operator is the < FOR > word. Then follows the construction, which is similar to assignment:

<Numerical cycle control variable> = <Math expression>

In reality, they are much similar, because this construction assigns the initial value, defined by < Math expression >, to < Numerical cycle control variable >.

After the < TO > reserved word follows the math expression, which defines the upper limit. When the < Numerical cycle control variable > achieves this limit, the cycle statement terminates, and next program statement will be performed. Any math expression can be specified as an upper limit for cycle.

Unnecessary part of this statement, containing reserved word < STEP > and following number or numerical variable, defines the incrementing step for the cycle variable. As default, the step is 1. The expression can not be the step.

The statement, which must be performed cyclically, is specified after the < DO > keyword. All other cycle parameters serve for organization of cyclical performing of this statement.

Samples :

! Example 1.

! Simple example of usage the cycle statement.

FOR as = 3 TO 10 DO PRINT as:0," ",as^2:0

! Example 2.

! Using embedded cycle statements

FOR i = 0 TO 0.9 STEP 0.5 DO

FOR j = -1 TO 0 STEP 0.2 DO

PRINT " i = ",i:1," j = ",j:1

See also:

The cycle statement <REPEAT>

The cycle statement <WHILE>