CLDFile operator

The <CldFile> operator is intended to obtain access to CLData files data from the postprocessor code. It provides information only for reading, ie can only be to the right of the assignment operator . Syntax:

  • <CldFile.FileCount> – returns the number of CLData loaded files;

  • <CldFile.CurrentFile> – index of the current CLData file (CLData files are indexes starting with number 0);

  • <CldFile.FirstEnabledFile> – index of the first CLD-file (operation) that is enabled in the list on the CLData tab;

  • <CldFile.LastEnabledFile> – index of the last CLD-file (operation) that is enabled in the list on the CLData tab;

  • <CldFile.CurrentCmd> – index of the current CLData command in the current CLData file (1 based indices);

  • <CldFile[<FileIndex>].Enabled> – returns 1 when the file number <FileIndex> is enabled, 0 – file is disabled;

  • <CldFile[<FileIndex>].FileType> – returns the type of the CLData file: 0 - technological operation, 1 - NC-subroutine, 2 – CAM project settings;

  • <CldFile[<FileIndex>].IsNCSub> – returns 1 when the file is a file of NC-subprogram, 0 – when file is not NC-subprogram;

  • <CldFile[<FileIndex>].CmdCount> – number of commands in the CLData file number <FileIndex>;

  • <CldFile[<FileIndex>].Cmd[<CmdIndex>]> - r eturns a reference to the CLData command numbered < CmdIndex > in a file with an index < FileIndex > . After this command through a point is acceptable to specify any of the instructions defined for the operator Cmd . For example: <CldFile[<FileIndex>].Cmd[<CmdIndex>].Code> – code of the CLData command with number <CmdIndex>;

  • <CldFile[<FileIndex>].Cmd[<CmdIndex>].Data> – returns a string data of the CLData command with number < CmdIndex > (for example, a comment line). If the command does not contain string data, then returns its string representation .

  • <CldFile[<FileIndex>].Cmd[<CmdIndex>].Data[<CldIndex>]> – value of CLD array item with number

  • <CldIndex>.<CldFile[<FileIndex>].Cmd[<CmdIndex>].Name> - t he CLData command or CLData command parameter name ;

  • <CldFile[<FileIndex>].Cmd[<CmdIndex>].Str | .Int | .Flt | .Ptr> - value of the command parameter by its name in appropriate form ; see Named CLData parameters topic for more information

The example below prints out numbers and comments of all tools used in the program.

sub PrintAllTools
  i: Integer
  j: Integer
  for i = 0 to CLDFile.FileCount-1 do begin
    if (CldFile[i].Enabled>0) and (CldFile[i].IsNCSub=0) then begin
      for j = 1 to CldFile[i].CmdCount do begin
        ! If the given command is "LoadTl"
        if CldFile[i].Cmd[j].Code = CodeOfCmd("LoadTl") then begin
          ! Print the turret head identiefer
          Print "RevolverID = " + CldFile[i].Cmd[j].Str["RevolverID"]
          ! Print the tool number
          Print "Tool number = ", CldFile[i].Cmd[j].Data[1]
          ! Print the tool comment
          if CldFile[i].Cmd[j+1].Code = CodeOfCmd("Comment") then
            Print "Tool comment: " + CldFile[i].Cmd[j+1].Data

See also:

CLData functions and operators