<Colors> tab
In the < Color scheme > field it is possible to select one of the established color schemes. By pressing the
button it is possible to return values of colors to the schemes, installed by default, or, if the color scheme < Another > is selected to load in this scheme of a value of one of other color schemes.
Under the color scheme, as tree-like structure, values of color of a separate element are shown. These elements are broken on groups: < Graphic window >, < Coordinate systems axes >, <3D Model >, < 2D Geometry >, < Machining >. Having opened the necessary group, it is possible to edit values of color of any element of group. Color of a flowing element is assigned in a field < Color > by a choice of the necessary value from the falling out list. In a field < Mode > is established a condition of a featuring of an element: with a shade or wire. Migration of a slider < Transparence > it is possible to install a transparency of a flowing element.
There is can be selected background of graphic window:
< Plain > – permanent background. Colour is assigned in < Graphic window > –> < First background color >.
< Gradient > – gradient drawing of a graphic window. Colors of a drawing are assigned in group < Graphic window >: < First background color > and < Second background color >. In a field < Gradient angle > it is possible to set a gradient angle. The angle is set concerning a vertical axis.
< Image file > – using graphic image as wallpaper. Available formats is < BMP > and < JPEG >.
<Shiny l ighting > is enable additional light source.
See also: