Types of importable objects
All objects as defined in the <IGES> standard are divided into groups. Listed below are the IGES groups and objects, currently importable by the system.
The following types are imported from the <Curves and Surfaces> group:
<Circular Arc>, type 100;
<Composite Curve>, type 102;
<Conic Arc>, type 104;
<Copious Data>, type 106;
<Plane>, type 108;
<Line>, type 110;
<Parametric Spline Curve>, type 112;
<Parametric Spline Surface>, type 114;
<Point>, type 116;
<Ruled Surface>, type 118;
<Surface of Revolution>, type 120;
<Tabulated Cylinder>, type 122;
<Transformation Matrix>, type 124;
<NURBS-curve Rational B-Spline Curve>, type 126;
<NURBS-surface Rational B-Spline Surface>, type 128;
<Offset Curve>, type 130;
<Offset Surface>, type 140;
<Boundary>, type 141;
<Curve on a Parametric Surface>, type 142;
<Bounded Surface>, type 143;
<Trimmed Surface>, type 144;
The following types are imported from the <B-Rep Solids> group:
<Face>, type 510;
<Loop>, type 508;
<Edge>, type 504;
<Vertex>, type 502;
This allows the program to work with <Manifold Solid B-Rep Object>, type 186 as with the set of bounded surfaces.
From the <Annotation Entities> group no type is imported. These entities are not significant for machining purposes.
From the <Structure Entities> group only the <Color Definition>, type 314 entities are imported. This means that model colors in SprutCAM are identical to the colors used in the modeling program.
See also:
Importing objects from IGES files